martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Shelly Ryan

Free Reseller Program

We want to partner with you!
Get Paid Just For Linking To Us..

We share the profits with you!
Make 70% on each sale!

You can get paid for simply linking to It is that easy!
After basic admin and sales charges, we make $67.97 on each package sold, we then give you 70% of that figure which equates to: $47 per sale!

So, if we sold only 5 memberships per day from your link, You would be earning $7050 per month!

If you have not yet signed up under a ClickBank sponsored affiliate program you can
Signup Now...Start Earning Money With Us Today!

Once you have a ClickBank Affiliate ID you can use this url to earn 70% on each sale - every month!

You just need to replace xxxxxx with your ClickBank Affiliate ID

We have made it easier for you and you can use this url:

Where you need to replace "xxxxxx" with your ClickBank Affiliate ID.

So if your Affiliate ID is johndoe you can use this url to promote

Questions ? Ideas ? You can always reach us
at support [at]

Here are some ads to help you get started!

Just "right click" on these images and save it to your hard drive. Then you can add them to your homepages redirecting customers to our site with your affiliate link and start earning money today!

The Affiliate Program is free to join and you can instantly generate an ongoing stream of income for you without any cost or obligation on your part. You must operate/own a website to be part of this Affiliate Program.

Make thousands of dollars NOW!
Popular and easy to market....

Our resellers program offers you what no other reseller program offers, an astonishing 70% commissions on all sales!!

As you may already know, we have one of the hottest selling products on the internet with well over a 1500% better sales ratio than an average website. It is with this unique product that we can establish a mutually profitable relationship. Let us explain.

All you have to do is sign up (it's Free) and setup a link on your webpage!

Here are just a few reasons to join:

participate for FREE!
an amazing 70% commission per sale!
add value to your website
be up and running TODAY
you can track your earnings in real time
we take care of everything - charging the credit cards, shipping the orders, and providing any customer service necessary
you receive email notification every time someone purchases

Thank you for choosing to become our affiliate.
Your Success is guaranteed as this is one of the most successful reseller systems on the net!

Click below for ready made ads that you can use:

Animated Ad #1
Small Button Animated #1
Small Button Animated #2
Small Button Still #1
Small Button Still #2
PaperBack Ad
eBook Ad
Dvd Cover
Text Ads
Free Advertising Resources
All you do is simply place a link to a special URL that we provide you to track the orders.

Add one of the two following scripts in your html. This calls a pop window that will advertise your link all automatically. This way, you easily transform your site into an instant money machine.
PopOver (This will call a window over the page)
Copy and paste this script in the BODY of your homepage:

PopUp Ad (These work great!)

You can add this simple JavaScript to the HTML on your homepage to install a Pop under window that will advertise your affiliate link all automatically! This way, you easily transform your site into an instant money machine.

Copy and paste this script and paste it between
the tags on your Web page.

When you have your Special URL, Here are some banner's you could use:

Here are some ads to help you get started!

Just "right click" on these images and save it to your hard drive. Then you can add them to your homepages redirecting customers to our site with your affiliate link and start earning money today!

This particular banner below is very clever indeed, it will pull a very high click through rate, it may look simple, but it is the most effective banner we have used to date, it has created click through rates of up to 7% for many of our affiliate partners, the industry standard is only 0.78%:
Animated Ad #1 (180X270):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Banner ad (468X60):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Small Button #1 Animated (260X211):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Small Button #2 Animated (260X160):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Small Button #1 (260X211):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Small Button #2 (260X160):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

PaperBack ad (234X336):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

eBook ad (300X200):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

DVD ad (160X211):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

CD ad (200X176):

Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Location of banner:


Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Text Ads:

Hi {!firstname},

Simply Flick The Switch, And...

"Watch A Torrent Of Internet Cash
Pour In By The $1,000s Every Week!"

Amazingly, You Can Get Started As
Quickly As 15 Minutes From Now...


How would you like to own...

An incredible turnkey m.oneymaking system
that runs almost on complete auto-pilot and
practically dumps money into your bank account
without you lifting a finger?

Sounds like music to your ears?

Then this could be the most important
website you will ever come across in your
entire life.


All that matters is the fact that this is THE
luckiest day of your life.

You may look back on the day that you read
this page as the day you "hit the lottery!"

Cos what you're about to discover is rapidly changing the lives of many people around the world...

P.S. If your skeptical 2nd voice tells you to pass
up this opportunity because the whole idea
of generating easy and automatic profits is 'different'
from your dated "An honest day's pay for an
honest day's job" programming, then sign up anyway.
Which would you rather be? Rich and wrong, or poor but right?


Hi {!firstname},

This just came across my desk
and I had to pass it on to you ASAP...

Internet entrepreneur Shelly Ryan
has a few new positions available right

If accepted you can easily rake
in $11, 917 per month starting
from scratch using the
automated software she has developed.


Once you're accepted just follow the
training Shelly gives you - including
her incredible robot software. It's really
quite simple...

Learn how Shelly went from not
being able to afford christmas gifts
to a millionaire lifestyle and how
you can too!


Due to the extremely high level
of Hands-On time Shelly spends
with every new member she has
to limit the number of positions
that are open.

Right now there are only 2 available
in your area. If you're interested you
should move quickly.


P.S. These positions may be gone
within minutes of you getting this
email, don't hesitate.



Hi {!firstname},

I just got word about something that sounds so amazing.. so over the top that its hard to swallow..
Apparently a m.oney making robot is about to be released that creates websites for you,
brings traffic to them and makes you real m.oney in minutes.

This sounds unbelievable doesnt it?

If that bold statement would be true it would
actually give automated income a total different meaning wouldn`t it? We have no more
information at this point unfortunateley so please dont send any inquiries but we will keep
you posted as soon as there is more information available.

The site opened a few days ago - go check it out:

Here are some great and easy ways to make money with our affiliate programs without spending a dime:

Post ads about the Instant Profit Machine on free classified websites. Include your affiliate link. Feel free to copy and paste portions of my sales page to easily create your ads:

Write an article about working at home or a favorable review of the Instant Profit Machine. Include your affiliate link at the end of your articles. Submit your articles to popular article directories such as:

Go to and create a blog. Make some posts promoting the Instant Profit Machine. Ping them at so that search engines and other websites may pick them up.

Join discussion groups at or

Once in a while, post a press release containing a positive review of the Instant Profit Machine. You may do free press releases at or For more exposure and more profit, post a paid press release at

If you have a newsletter, you may send out e-mail providing information about our website and our system.

NOTE: We will not, under any circumstance, accept unsolicited mailings (spam). Do NOT send bulletins to safelists or any other lists other than your own opt-in subscribers. If you do, you will likely be rejected by ClickBank, your ISP, and your host, and you might be sued.

Privacy Policy | Earnings Disclaimer

Copyright© 2009 Shelly Ryan. All Rights Reserved.
Every attempt has been made to accurately represent this business opportunity and it's potential. As with any business endeavor no guarantees of income are made. Your success depends solely on your own dedication, motivation and desire to succeed.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009


Es para decir que las MENTIRAS, siempre las dice el que emgaña, y que hasta ahora en los ultimos cincuenta años, no se conocen a nada mas que el ala de la derecha, es el que se ha mantenido, en ese laberinto de la manipulación y demagogia continua, en contra de ser democratico, porque nunca apoyan nada que diga el partido socilista, porque no aclaran como, la derecha ayudarian a las familias llanas del pueblo y la clase media es la que soporta la crisis, porque la derecha se ha encargado a quitar a la clase de hambre, a los ultimos de la cadena, a los perseguidos, a todos los que estan debajo de las otras dos clases, media y alta, quien sino los bancos son los generadores de la crisis, ayudados por las grandes empresas, la de sin escrupulos, para despedir, que han arrastrado a las empresas medias a que tenga que emplear tambien la triquiñuela del despido, pero y esos bancos y cajas que van por libre, si tuvieran que subir los intereses harian los mismo con los que estamos pendientes de revisión a costas de sacarnos todo lo que puedan, esta el interes al 1,75 % y se mantienen en las revisiones del año pasado cuanto dinero les dejara este desajuste interesado y ruin que utilizan las cajas y los bancos mal educados de este pais, asi no tendremos democracia nunca, no quiere eso los banqueros y cajeros, los grandes empresarios y malos medianos y la iglesia, derrochadora em siglos por siglos.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

el dia de los vientos

Hay veces que se levanta el viento,